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We can provide three types of inspections to assist you with any phase of your apartment ownership:

Pre-purchase Inspection: This inspection is the most commonly performed and is used by the apartment buyer to understand the condition of the apartment, any major issues and can lead to either having issues corrected by the seller or can be used as a negotiating tool to reduce the purchase price or gain concessions. This can often lead to a final price reductions ten to twenty times the cost of the inspection.

Ongoing construction Inspection: This type of inspection is to the favor of the customers who are settling their apartment's bills after having placed a down payment prior to the enabling the construction. It is done regularly throughout the construction until the substantial completion of works.

Pre-listing Inspection: This inspection is the same as that performed for an apartment being purchased, however the focus is slightly altered to make the seller aware of any issues that may present themselves during the buyer's apartment inspection. It is worth noting that presenting to a prospective buyer an apartment inspection report at the time of showing can be a great tool for selling your apartment.